It reminded me of Chronicles of Narnia from The Lion the Witch and The Wardrobe. Ever since a Kid, the idea of riding a lion gets me excited.
The Lion VS the Giant Polar Bear *DOUBLE ROAR* m;_;m

So than I realized that in many of these fantasy shows, there's always some kid riding a non-conventional animal- Like a Dragon in Aragon etc etc.
I lost my book today in the cinema. This left me with nothing to do while traveling home after watching The Kingdom. By the way, it's a really good show, except for the "matrix style" dodging of bullets. I really hate Rambo scenes! yawn. And Jennifer Garner was the rox0rz man. Back to topic. So I was bored stiff in the bus, and my brain decided to go super fantasy style tonight. I decided to come up with everything that has to deal with unconventional animal/beast riding. Dragons and unicorns are pretty common place, thus I'll be skipping those two.
From Warcraft 3:
Tiger Riding by our favorite Sexy female bow wielding elvan hero... Gotta lurve em elves!

Next, the incredible hulk riding a giant rat (Splinter from ninja turtles- unevolved).

Harold and Kuma Go to White Castle
Next- Harold and Kuma riding in ultra gay fashion on a little overgrown kitty.
Preparing for battle to White Castle!
Full throttle ahead!
The Good

Damn you Ice Queen, free my brothers this instant!
The Bad

From Lion and the Witch and the Wardrobe. Featuring the Ice Queen enslaving 3 cute little polar bears. . .
and the Ugly.

haha this is from Never Ending Story. I could never understand what creature that boy was riding. It has a dragon body, a dog face, bunny ears and eyes of a sloth. Can you beat that! What's a sloth? This is.

See? Wadida tell you. Same eyes :P
Even Killer Whales are not spared.
Featuring Free Willy!

Nor Giant Chickens for that matter.
The Chocobos from Final Fantasy!
=( Qier is sick. =( =( Supposed to meet her today. I asked her to brainstorm for me more animals, she asked for people riding penguins. . . Giant Penguins! Where can I find that. . . Sadly, I Googled for 30 minutes and found nothing. . . Couldn't disappoint my favorite Qier. . .
Because Qier taught me that photo editing is OKAY, (See below)
thats why I had a brilliant idea next. =D
Evil Qier torturing a baby penguin >:-(
Poor baby penguin's so tired she can hardly open her eyes.
BAD QIER! >:-(
Get well soon ok? I made this just for you ok . . Touched? Better be :)