Want to talk about some random event on the bus today. Was riding 173 home, and as usual, the bus is littered with rubbish. There was a bubble tea cup on the floor, and as one passenger was alighting, he stepped on the cup and nearly fell over. An NYGH girl sitting behind him got really shocked, and had a really genuine look of concern. After that passenger alighted, she was really sweet to go over and pick up that tea cup and held on to it until she alighted to throw it away. :)
These kind of girls really super sweet man! Wife material? Maybe.
I went to bed early tonight. Around 11.30 pm and i fell deep into my coma. At 12.30am I received a call from "Unknown location". It was a lady, nice voice and all. She introduced herself as Denise. I was still in the transition between lala land and the land of reality so I couldn't really process what she was saying.
Me: "heelllllo. Whois this?"
Denise: This is Denise Boo, Derrick's sister
Me: huh. . . Denise who?
Denise: Denise Boo the one who recorded the McDonald's Video
Any case I think I must have sounded really strange *My friends always tell me that I don't sound right when i'm semi-awake* :D
It was an overseas call and she was really sweet to go through all the trouble of learning how to encode the video and even offered to Fed Ex it to me, who is a complete stranger to her. I guess I really owe her big not forgeting boo too!
Anyway she's the pretty lady in the center from the picture below
These small acts of kindness (for strangers) really makes my day bright :)
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