Saturday, October 14, 2006


I remember the time when we were walking along some old street, and we came across a really creepy looking house with a driveway larger than my house itself and concluded that it was an abandoned "haunted" house.

We decided to have a little adventure and trespassed past the gates to take a look at what was inside. When we almost reached the main door of the house, the house was lighted and there were people inside. There was also a blacked-furred watch dog which noticed us. We tried to sneak out quietly but that overgrown hell-hound of a dog decided to chase the living-shit out of us. That must be the fastest 100m sprint I ever made. When we were out safely and out of hot pursuit we had a good laugh at how retarded we were. Ghost house!? What were we thinking?

I remember the time when it was past midnight, how you snuck over to my place and gave me a call. You said you wanted the both of us to go on some ghost hunting expedition. We went over to the haunted mansion at the top of the hill, climbed over the gates and after that realized we could not see any donkey crap cause we forgot to bring our torch lights. We climbed up to the Level 3 balcony through the stairs that is now broken and and spent the night trying to scare each other with half-assed ghost stories.

Those were good old the days.

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